Substitute for charcoal for poisoning?

After reading this, I wondered what the general feelings here are.  This is the part specifically:
"... There is a little better remedy for your poisoned goat: mix up 1/4c molasses, 2 – 3 tablespoons epsom salts, 1 tspn ground ginger ... 1 tspn baking soda, and 1tspn salt.  Fill the jar with water, put the goat in a headlock, and use a giant syringe to force this world’s worst diet drink down the goat’s throat. ..."


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  • Ditto on everything Rachel said. I also wouldn't try this recipe because the author doesn't say where it came from or even if he has ever used it and what the results were.

  • Those ingredients sound more like for general upset stomach than poisoning. Baking soda balances ph, ginger is known to be good for things like nausea and stomach upset, Epsom salts are actually a laxative in humans but I don't know about goats. Salt might help for electrolytes or dehydration? Molasses has a lot if vitamins and minerals. I would stick to charcoal I think.
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