Anyone know whats up with my FF's teat? They have sores on the inside only on both teats. They don't seem to be oozing or hurting, as she lets me milk and the kid feed. Should I be worried? Sorry its not the best photo, its attempt no 20 or so - its pretty hard to get under a goat and get her to stand still!!
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Ah, that totally makes sense, thank you! Loving learning from the joint experience of everyone here!!!
Make that two votes for rough kid nursing. If you have lanolin, you can put that on there a couple of times a day and that will help it heal.
This happened to my doe and I think it was from her buckling nursing so aggressively. Their teeth would be on the inside of the teat which is why that's the only place with the sore (since they don't have top teeth). That was my only guess, and once I sold the buckling her teats healed very quickly.