This is my young buck from Deborah - Sadie's boy from this year. I am very pleased with him and can't wait to see what he produces! There are so many opinions on what is best in a buck, but I'm focusing on mom being a nice milker, good producer and the buck being thrifty.
Equally important to me is the natural focus! I want to move in the direction of less and less chemicals and from my dog research and ownership, I have learned that when you vaccinate and use chemicals in and on your animals - it can actually affect their DNA and immune systems - both of which are important when passing on traits to youngsters.
So we will see where I go with all of this but this year - he has so far covered 3 of my does and one more should be ready for a hot date within the week. Thought you'd like to see him as we are all somewhat a big family here.
By the way - I do carefully breed with other special does that I approve and are tested for goat diseases - I am in Massachusetts. I will be keeping Oliver for a while and I really really HOPE that we natural types can work together to keep our bucks strong, natural and useful as there aren't a lot of natural types in New England.
Happy Thanksgiving. Hope the picture works - I'm always bad at the tech stuff of loading pics but if it doesn't work - my website is