Hi Folks,
I supplement my does with monthly doses of Sel/Vit E Gel. It's easier than the BoSe injections for me. My one doe now has 3 week old kids, when do I need to start thinking about giving them this supplement? They are already eating the does loose minerals, Sweetlix Caprine Magnum Milk, and I know they get some selenium from the mineral mix.
Thanks in advance!
Thank you both, I'm going to give the copper again. I'm finishing up my bag of Purina Goat Mineral right now and will check to see if there are other ones that maybe contain higher amts. of copper, etc. I'm sure that our water has things in it that are not letting the copper be absorbed properly, especially from what I have read about our Minnesota soils and water. I can't wait for the plants to start growing so they can get out and feed on some fresh greens!
If you are in a selenium deficient area, then you should do the Selenium oral gel or BoSe injections. Sunflower seeds might contain some selenium, but probably not enough for her if she's already deficient. Selenium deficiency can display the symptoms you're describing... as can other mineral deficiencies. Make sure you're also offering a good quality goat loose mineral supplement free-choice for her.
The way that they get the copper doesn't make a difference in absorption, so you can do whatever is easiest for you. I just top dress on their grain.
They have done studies with lambs were they gave them 1 gram per month for four months and ewes 2 grams per month for four months, and none of them have problems with toxicity, and sheep are supposedly more sensitive to copper than goats. I just gave another dose to a goat a month after another dose, and she's okay. I know what you mean though about not wanting to over-do it. I always worry too! I wish there was a decent test that could be used on a live animal.
I found the selenium/Vit. E gel at Jeffers, thanks. I have a question, how often can you give the copper boluses? I gave it to my goats on Feb. 11 (in the marshmallow) and they have not improved at all. Bella has been the one with the worst issues, hair loss, dry skin, etc. and she still looks sad, of course, now she's really starting to shed with all this warm weather. I've been feeding the sunflower seeds also. I know MN is selenium deficient, so I'm thinking of ordering that sel./Vit. E gel, although I don't want to over do it either. So, I guess I'm wondering if I should do the copper again, and maybe just feed it straight to them in their feed, and forget the marshmallow, or if that even made a difference? Thanks.
Ok, thanks for the tip. I'll probably start dosing them with 1/2 to 1 ml of the oral gel starting at 3 months of age.
If the mothers are not deficient, then their milk should have enough selenium. After about two months though, they start nursing less and eating more pasture and hay, so they start tipping the scales towards the foods that will be deficient.
I live in the Pacific NW, which is extremely selenium deficient according to maps. I'm using this product: http://www.jefferslivestock.com/selenium-vitamin-e-gel/camid/LIV/cp... I give my does 2ml every 30 days. If the kids are nursing, then do they get selenium from their mother's milk?
Charmaine, I don't know the answer, and I am sure Deborah is right that it depends on the selenium deficiency in your area. You can google it and find a chart for your state/county if you want. I supplement with the Sel/Vit E Gel also, and I am always afraid to give the does the full dose as they get some in their minerals and feed. I did give a little weak goat that was just a few days old a little over 1/4 tsp. and I believe it helped her. I think I am going to move to the full dose for the adults next time.
I didn't do BoSe injections last year, but when I did, I would only do it in August annually, just before starting to breed everyone. I used the gel years ago, and I'd do the same thing. I think it really depends on how much of a selenium deficiency you have in your area.
Any input here? Thanks!