We have had 4 straight days of rain and I put some straw down last Friday and new straw down this morning with some sweet pdz on top of their old bedding. I know I need to clean out their barn but it is pretty dry in there and doesn't smell too badly...thus the sweet pdz and new straw bedding today. I gave the girls their weekly dose of wormer part two (molly's herbals) yesterday and this morning Aliana had a runny nose. She has a little bit of greenish snot. It's not horrible but one eye had a little discharge as well.
Do you think it may just be the dust or allergies from where they have been in the barn 24-7 the last 4 days or could it be pneumonia? I did put in some different straw Friday. She is still eating well and milking 8-10 oz per milking which is normal for her. They get fresh water once or twice daily and I have the window open on the far end opposite where they sleep and their barn door is open a crack to allow for some air circulation. I figured I would sprinkle some probiotic powder on her feed tonight just in case. She looks fine and is robust and shiny, just has the bit of snot.
What do I do?