runny nose

We have had 4 straight days of rain and I put some straw down last Friday and new straw down this morning with some sweet pdz on top of their old  bedding. I know I need to clean out their barn but it is pretty dry in there and doesn't smell too badly...thus the sweet pdz and new straw bedding today. I gave the girls their weekly dose of wormer part two (molly's herbals) yesterday and this morning Aliana had a runny nose. She has a little bit of greenish snot. It's not horrible but one eye had a little discharge as well.


Do you think it may just be the dust or allergies from where they have been in the barn 24-7 the last 4 days or could it be pneumonia? I did put in some different straw Friday. She is still eating well and milking 8-10 oz per milking which is normal for her. They get fresh water once or twice daily and I have the window open on the far end opposite where they sleep and their barn door is open a crack to allow for some air circulation. I figured I would sprinkle some probiotic powder on her feed tonight just in case. She looks fine and is robust and shiny, just has the bit of snot.


What do I do?



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  • Well, they stayed inside all day long due to another rainy day. She seemed better this evening at her milking and had no snot at all. Her eye had a little boogie on it but not too bad. I'm thinking it may have been the straw I put in the other day cause after it being covered up with a layer of fresh straw they were used to she looked a lot better. She hasn't coughed at all so I'll just keep an eye on her. We trimmed all the girls hooves tonight and that was a job. I gave all of them a dose of probios powder before the trimming and I'm glad I did cause they HATE for us to work on their feet and usually put up a fight. It takes me and my husband to do it but they were in bad shape and had to be done. I'll continue to give them probios for the next couple of days and watch them. I'm thinking now it may have just been the different straw I used. *crossing my fingers*
  • I would at least treat the eye with a drop of port wine, oxytetratcycline or some terramycin eye ointment 3X a day. Keep an eye on the nose. Some people give vitamin C. The probiotics are a good idea. Keep a close eye for the next few days or so and if you hear any raspiness (you can put your head down to the chest, up by the shoulder, to listen if you don't have a stethoscope, or coughing, then start treating for pneumonia. If you have vitamin B complex, give a boost of that, as well. It may be nothing or could be pneumonia getting started.
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