Hi all,
I got a question on registration. I have two does, who are currently registered w/AGS, and two bucks, who are (going to be new registrations) w/ADGA. I need to have them ALL transfered to me, as the new owner, but am wondering if I should double-register them all, so they will be in both registries.
Also, I would like to breed both does this March, and am wondering if I need to have the transfers/registrations all done before I actually breed the goats.
You could get them double registered but make sure their ear tattoos match with both associations. You don't have to get them transferred before breeding the goats, but try and have it done before they kid, so that you can submit the Service Memo to each associations. I personally wouldn't get them double registered because the price to register is pretty high when you have 7-10 kids born a year it gets stressful to keep up with ear tattoos matching and keeping other goats information separate.