Recommending Reading

Morning All,
Could you all please recommend some good goat books for us to read, I am finding what I have on animal husbandry at the moment only contains two pages on goat care!!, also not overly impressed with our Vets so I know once our ND's arrive it will be down to the two of us to be doing everything.
Thank you all in advance for your help and thoughts

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  • Goat song is about a couples journey getting and living w/ goats...very good read!
  • I have Personal Milkers and thought it was very thorough. Definitely a good handbook for beginners.
  • Another good book that I have found is Goat Health Care it is by the same author as Raising goats for Dummies. Here is the web site for Goat health care . I know the author herself keeps Goat Health Care near by and refers to it often.
    Mac's Rainbow SM
  • You are correct that most vets know nothing about goats. This was a shock to me when I got started, but now we do just about everything for our goats. It's bad enough when vets don't know the right answer, but sometimes they think they know the answer when they don't. I'm not the only person to wind up with a dead goat because of bad advice from a vet.

    I haven't read any books about goat care that get me very excited. Some are okay to a point, but many are outdated. I haven't read "Personal Milkers" yet, but I know Pat Stewart is on the ball with goats, so it should be good. She is the editor of Ruminations, which is one of the best magazines on goat care. I highly recommend it. You can contact Pat through the Ruminations group on here.

    Raising Goats for Dummies
    is on my shelf to be read, but I haven't read it yet. The author is a long-time Nigerian breeder, so I have high hopes.
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