My doe just Kidded two BIG, bouncey, baby, boys on friday night. Everything seemed to go over well.. But the next day she had really bad diarrhea. I was quick to clean it all up so the babies wouldn't get it and she wouldn't get any in her very swollen, just had two 4+lb babies, vulva.
Along with the scours she also doesn't really want to eat a lot or move a lot. She just stands by her babies for 20 to 45 min while they nurse on and off, then she will go and eat a little and then go back to her babies, chew the little bit of cud she has, and then the whole thing starts over again. About 1 in every 4 times of doing this she will poop.
She has improved a little since yesterday. I'm worried she may not be able to keep up a milk supply if this goes on for much longer.
I'm thinking of calling the vet tomorrow but I'm wondering if anyone here suspects anything or has had this happen to them.
Okay so I gave her the dewormer Monday night. The next day her poop went from pudding to cobblestone clusters. I'm not sure if the dewormer is what helped her or if she was just getting over it on her own, either way I'm glad to see her plumbing is back to working the the way it should. Her behavior has also settled down. I'm thinking she was acting oddly because she was getting used to being a mom.
Thanks for your help Deborah!!
Morantel Tartrate
Okay I just check her all around. Her eyelids are nice and pink, her withers, spine, and tail are all pretty meaty. I do have another Dewormer called Dumor. I got the herbal dewormer as a milder alternative for kids.
I have not had good luck with Molly's. In fact, I had a buck die from parasites while I was using it. Adults don't usually get diarrhea from coccidia, but it is not impossible. Check her eyelids to see if she's anemic (pull down the lower lid and see if it is red, dark pink, light pink, or white). What is her body condition like? Does she feel really meaty on her spine, or does her spine feel really sharp from withers to tail? Is her tail thick and meaty at the base or skinny? (Is it shaped like a triangle or more like a skinny rat's tail?)
You probably don't need to actually take her to the vet. If he or she simply does a fecal, they can probably find the problem.
After she kidded I started giving her an herbal dewormer that says it can also be used as a coccidiostat for kids. So yes I have that stuff available. It's called Molly's Herbals Deworming kit, I think.
The most common cause for diarrhea is worms or coccidiosis. Do you have a dewormer or coccidiostat available?