I have 2 FF that are nursing their kids.The kids are 7 and 8 weeks old and most definitely eating regular food.lots of it.It has been a little over 3 weeks now that I close the kids in overnight and milk in the morning.One questions is : does anybody do this and then also start milking in the evening?I feel like with the kids eating lots of alfalfa they may be slowing down on milk and if i don't milk ,the mom will start to reabsorb the milk.I have on several occasions brought the moms into milk but they were pretty empty.It feel like a big production for a few squirts of milk but if in the long run it make a difference I will start to do it regularly.Thanks for any advice. And ,oh does anyone want to buy kids.I will post on the For Sale discussion.
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Once in awhile you might get enough milk to make it worth your while to milk in the evening, but usually it is a waste of time when the kids are this age. If you are separating every night and milking in the morning, and the kids are nursing off and on during the day, there isn't enough time for the does to reabsorb any milk. They won't slow down on production unless their udders are full and you are not milking them at least every 12 hours.