My FF Leela is 3 weeks from delivery (150 days will be April 6th). Her udder is huge and so is she. I'm worried because when she lays down she has a prolapse (pictures posted). Is this "too much" prolapse? When she stands up it goes back in. Ugh, she's going to get even bigger and I'm worried this prolapse will become a real problem. What do you think?



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  • Thanks I did read that one. Google searching I found more information as well. I think it's a wait-and-see situation as she seems to be most comfortable standing and has no sign of protrusion when she's standing. I think if it gets to the point where it stays out, I will have to bring in the vet to stitch it closed until labor. I hope that doesn't happen. Most threads I found where people had experienced this, their goat did fine and they didn't ever have to do anything. They were mostly NGDs also and tended to do the same thing with each subsequent kidding. Fingers crossed!

  • Don't know if this was the post you saw, but it has a lot of good info:

    Someone in this thread talks about using sutures in the vulva to keep the vagina inside. They also sell retainers in case it stops going back inside when she stands up.

  • Thankfully, no, I haven't. Seeing it in a FF is really not good as it is likely to happen again. Most would recommend not breeding her again.

    If it makes you feel any better, the picture of a vaginal prolapse in Goat Medicine looks much worse. It's the size of a baseball! The info in there is about two pages long but it says that if the prolapse disappears when she stands up, it's considered a mild prolapse. There is a long list of complications. Since she is not due for another month, you might want to consult a vet.

  • I found one old thread that was pretty awful and did not turn out well. I'm hoping others have had this much prolapse without it being a big deal. I did find some on TGS but they were big goats. I take it you haven't had this issue?

  • I can't see anything in the second picture, but the first picture looks like one that someone posted on here a couple of years ago. I'm sorry I don't remember how it turned out. Have you searched for "prolapse" on here? 

  • Anyone have experience with this? Anyone?

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