
  • this is interesting, wonder is cypress would do the same?

  • wow another natural remedy . i heard pumpkin seeds in with their food is d diata natural dewormer and diatomaceous earth (dirt) lso works and doesn't hurt goat 

  • That's a great question, Emily. I've heard of that happening with other animals---just the other day our dog was throwing up and eating grass, which I've always heard they do to self medicate when they have an upset stomach. Many people believe that all animals have an innate sense of what to eat and when which alleviates medical issues they might have. I find the whole thing super interesting, and I wouldn't at all be surprised if your goats did self medicate with pine.

  • I've noticed that my goats go through phases where they eat the bark off of our pine trees, I wonder if they just somehow know it helps and they know when to eat it? When we first got our buckling he practically stripped all of our pine trees of the bark he could reach, but since then he hasn't shown any interest in the pine trees. 

  • This is interesting, Deborah. We have 5 pine trees on our property. I wonder if we could grind some dried bark to a powder and keep it on hand to add to feed for treating parasites? I've been thinking about how to formulate a natural plan for worming should we ever encounter it. Thanks for posting this.

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