ORANGE poop.

Moses is 2 DAYS old and has bright orange mushy BM. The one I saw earlier appeared to also have  a clear-cloudy white mucus bubble. He seems fine otherwise. His two prother's have typical black tar. 

I will try to get enough to do a fecal on him in the morning and go to the vet with him if I REALLY HAVE TO on Monday. 

I am just wondering if anyone else has ever seen this in any of their kids and what the issue was?

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  • I don't have any children yet, so I didn't even think about there being a similarity there Deborah!

    Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:

    With my first kids, I never noticed the baby goats' poop until they were a couple weeks old, and then I completely freaked out when I saw the yellow poop and called my mentor in a panic! I felt so dumb when she told me that was normal milk poop for babies. Duh! I breastfed all my human kids, and it's the same color with them.

  • With my first kids, I never noticed the baby goats' poop until they were a couple weeks old, and then I completely freaked out when I saw the yellow poop and called my mentor in a panic! I felt so dumb when she told me that was normal milk poop for babies. Duh! I breastfed all my human kids, and it's the same color with them.

  • I guess the other moms kept their butts impeccably clean because I never saw this with previous kids. Aaron has the orange poop today, and  I I haven't seen anymore mucus stuff. Joshua is completely clean thus far. 

  • The black tar poop should pass within the first day. That's meconium and is in the intestines of most mammals before they're born. The colostrum does a great job of helping them to pass it quickly. Normal baby poop is the color of mustard and the consistency of cake frosting. Even if you see a streak of blood in it sometimes, that is not a big deal. It is not liquid unless the babies are getting too much milk. I once had a set of twins that looked like someone had squirted mustard all over their back ends because their dam was producing so much milk, and they were being little piggies. If you're thinking parasites, that's not really possible in a baby goat this young. As far as the clear-cloudy white mucous, I have not seen that, but there are all sorts of unusual things that are normal. If you only saw it once, I wouldn't worry about it. If it's like that all the time, there could be something wrong with him genetically that can't be helped, and he won't make it. This is why I don't like the idea of selling kids less than a week old. It can take a few days for genetic defects to show up.

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