Odd doe behavior, or not so odd?

I am a new owner of two pregnant does. One is obviously expecting in the next few weeks. The other...not so much. She is checking her own urine and demonstrating the flehmen response. Any idea what this is about? I've read about does checking their kids, but themselves?


Thanks,  if you've seen this before I'd love an explanation!

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  • Thanks Britt, makes me feel better knowing another expecting goatie girl is doing this. Mine *should be* on about Day 130, and she's been doing this for a week or more. I can't smell whatever she is looking for myself.
  • My pregnant girl is on day 145 today and she did that 2 days ago.  Also noted that her urine smelled like a buck when she did that, but I haven't noticed any smell other times she's peed.  Hmmmm.
  • Thank you, Deborah!


    I'll file this one under the "things that make you go...hmmmm".

  • It's normal, but I can't explain it. You see does do it far less than bucks. Bucks do it on a regular basis.
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