Oat Hay

A customer of mine contacted me about giving the whethers I sold her oat hay.  I am not sure about it, so I said I would see what you guys thought.  Any thought? :0)

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  • Thanks Deborah!

  • I'm not sure about feeding it to wethers, but I attended a conference once, and a woman with a 600-goat dairy said she fed it to her milkers and highly recommended it for milkers. I contacted a hay guy who sold it, and I think he said his oat hay ran pretty high in the protein area, almost as high as alfalfa -- but I couldn't buy any because he only sold it in the big square bales that have to be moved with a tractor. See if the farmer selling the hay has had it tested. I doubt it's as high in calcium as alfalfa, but that's just a guess on my part (because alfalfa is a legume; oat is a grass).

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