Non-Goat People

We are going on a four day trip next week (first in many, many years!), and it will really be only the second time I'll be leaving the goats in the hands of someone else. The people caring for the goats have really no experince with goats - mostly horses. And while I know my goats are not going to come down with anything while I'm gone, since these people are not goat people, what kinds of things should I tell them to look out for? Things to know about so they can call if they see it.


My biggest fear in leaving them behind is something happening and people not knowing what to do about it. Any advice would be welcomed!



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  • Yeah. That's pretty much what I was thinking. But since I'm used to relying on goat people to watch them who know when something is wrong, I wasn't sure if there was anything else I should mention!

    Thanks Deborah!!!

  • As a vet professor at U of I once said to me, I don't get too excited as long as they walking around, eating, and chewing their cud.
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