
  • Thanks, Deborah! This will be our first kidding season with the miniManchas. I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing the adorable, no-eared baby cuteness! :)
  • Welcome to the group! I also have a few mini manchas, in addition to my NDs. I just love the no-ears!

  • That's why we got the miniManchas, too. :) What I'm discovering is that my top-producing NDs can keep up with all but one of my miniManchas. The one who out-produces the NDs is my biggest miniMancha doe. So, there is a little more milk from the miniManchas, but not THAT much more. What we have learned to do is supplement our fresh ND milk with frozen. It does very well in the freezer for a few months. That way, we can have their milk even when the girls are in their dry period. All through October, November, and through half of December we drank milk that had been frozen from August and September. That worked REALLY well. :)
  • Oh, that's something I hadn't thought of! I would probably need to get a nubian doeling. The reason I'm thinking of doing this is to have more milk than I have with my Nigerians, but then when I have 3 in milk this spring/summer, I'll have more than I can use so I need to practice some patience here (lol). I only have one in milk now and the milk is so precious and wonderful I'm afraid of ever having to be without it! She's been pretty consistently giving a quart a day but it varies throughout her cycle. She just got bred this week so maybe it will even out now. 

  • Hi, Julia, and thanks for the welcome! My miniMancha does are first generation, which means that their dams were purebred LaManchas, and their sires were ND bucks, but they weren't born here, so their parents did not belong to me. My miniMancha bucks are both second generation, so their parents on both sides were miniManchas. I am buying a purebred, Little Orchard LaMancha doeling in the spring, but that will be my only full-sized goat, and I will breed her to one of my ND bucks for first generation kids. The only problem I've run into with the miniManchas is that they segregate themselves from the NDs, so if you're going to get a Nubian for mini-Nubians (they are SO cute), I would suggest getting two so they can pal around together. Or maybe it would be different if you got a doeling so she could grow up with the NDs. My miniMancha does were both full-grown when I got them.... Maybe that's the issue and not breed segregation...
  • Welcome! Are your mini-manchas results of your breeding your Nigi bucks to LaMancha does? I'm just curious. I've been thinking about getting a nubian and breed her to my Nigi buck for mini-nubians. Anyway, welcome to the group!

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