My kids are taking turns having loose stool

About a week and a half ago my wether had diarrhea which gradually became back to berries. My doe at that time had completely normal stool. I took both of their fecals to the vet and he said no cocci or worms for either. He suggested I was feeding too much feed and hay. So I cut both back some. About 3 days after my wether's stool went to berries my doe's turned loose. It is still the same color but loose. They are in my yard (I have a large yard), they are usually grazing, they haven't been eating very much feed or hay. They haven't ate anything that I know of that would make them sick. They are drinking and don't act as if they are sick. My doe's weight is holding the same at about 9 pounds but my wether has gained some weight and now weighs 13 pounds. Even though their fecals were normal should I treat them for coccidiosis? Their eyelids are nice and pink so I don't think they have worms. My doe has had loose stools for about 6 days now, they are dark greenish but their berries were also that color. Would the dark green color come from eating mostly fresh greens and leaves? Thanks for your help!! I think I will go ahead and collect another fecal and take it to the vet to make sure. He's gonna think I'm one nervous new momma, I've called him a dozen times and been to his office three times!!



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  • Half a cup of that feed per day is not excessive. A vet once told me that coccidia doesn't float well, so it doesn't always show up in a fecal, and from doing my own fecals, I know that coccidia is tiny compared to worm eggs. However, the intermittent nature of the diarrhea is odd. I suppose they could be getting some type of weed in the pasture that doesn't agree with them, but I personally haven't had this happen. Typically around here the only kids that get intermittent diarrhea are the naughty bottle brats that escape from the pasture and get into the chicken grain. You could ask the breeder if she's seen any coccidiosis in her herd in the past month. If so, I'd go ahead and treat yours, because the stress of moving often causes worms and coccida to get out of control.
  • I was feeding about a half a cup for each goat. Since my doe has gotten diarrhea I've stopped feeding the feed. Do you think the feed could be making them have diarrhea? It is the DuMore kind at TSC that looks like rabbit feed. My doe isn't losing weight but she isn't gaining either. She doesn't act like she is sick, she is eating well and playing. But I know lots of animals don't look sick until they are REALLY sick. Thanks
  • How much grain (goat feed) are you giving them?
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