Maverick is my young buck, about 1 year and 4 months old. Here's the timeline:
- Wednesday evening - I went down to feed, and Maverick didn't come to meet me like usual. He walked over slowly, and lay down halfway there. I called him, and he got up and came to me, walking veeeeeeeeery slooooooooooowly. I looked for any injuries, didn't see any. He was walking like he was tipsy - sort of wobbly. When he made it to the hay, he flopped down like he was exhausted, then started eating.
I freaked out, called the vet, vet was out. I called the breeder we bought Maverick from. We went through his symptoms - not very many, I couldn't put my finger on the red flag - and she thought it might be goat polio. She said to give him thiamine or vitamin B-1.
Got B-complex, all they had at the store, and gave him some.
-Thursday morning - he looked brighter, but still wasn't moving well. He would get up and move from place to place in the pasture, but not far at a time. I went back to town and found B-1 and gave him the amount the breeder suggested.
He was brighter Thursday afternoon, but not walking much. I brought hay to him, and he ate well. I put water by him, but haven't seen him drink anything while I was watching.
- Friday (today) - he about gave me a heart attack. Went to check him, and he was laying very still. I thought he was dead. Touched him and he perked up and went "Oh hi mama!"
Vet still hasn't answered. He may be out on a ranch call. He's a great vet and knows everything about horses, but he always reminds me not to give my goats copper because it's toxic to them... I haven't told him I give them COWP...
Anyway. I've googled and googled, and can't figure out what it might be. Maverick appeared normal til Wednesday evening. His breathing sounds normal, no rattling, wheezing, or coughing, he's eating, chewing his cud, his eyes are clear, his eyelids are bright pink, his nose is clean, no signs of diarrhea, he's not twisting his head, he's not acting anxious, and he doesn't look bloated. But he just acts like he's too weak to stand and walk.
I hope I'm just overreacting. But something has put up a red flag. Plus, Friday a week ago, my 3 year old Pygmy doe died suddenly, in the same pasture with Maverick. I milked her Thursday night, she was healthy as a horse, I was gone Friday, and my critter sitter found her late that day. Buzzards already gotten her so there was no way to tell what killed her.
Gonna see if I can find a thermometer in this town and take his temp.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Yay! So glad to hear he is on the mend. And happy for you as well, you must have been so stressed out about it.
Deborah, I read about your paralyzed doe on your website, and was totally amazed. Animals' ability to overcome their limitations is incredible.
WOW. That is inspiring for sure!!
Considering how mean goats are to each other, it's amazing they don't all wind up with injuries. Many years ago I had a doe that wound up paralyzed because of a spinal cord injury. She eventually learned to walk balanced on her front legs with her back end up in the air. It was actually quite inspiring.
HE'S BETTER!!!! Maverick is better! I got home from work today and he was walking in the pasture grazing with the other goats! He is still walking a bit gingerly, and lying down to rest often, but he is moving better, staying up longer, and looking a lot more cheerful.
That is a thought, Julieanne. I wonder if one of my larger bucks could have punched him in just the wrong way.
Here's hoping he continues to bounce back!
Glad to hear he's doing better. It's sounding more and more like he had a back injury of some kind, perhaps a pinched nerve. He may just need more healing time.
Thank you, guys. I really appreciate the support. I feel so frustrated sometimes at being way out here and pretty much on my own except for the internet, when I still have so much to learn. :(
On the up side, Maverick looks better this evening! He got up and came to meet me earlier, and walked around a little bit with the other goats. He is eating normally. I've seen him drink too.
What's weird now is the way he's walking. Instead of looking tipsy, now he is walking straight, but it looks as if all four of his feet hurt. Does that make sense? I can't pick out any foot he's limping on. No thorns or stickers, his hooves and legs seem normal (to my novice once-over).
I don't know what to think. I'm so worried I'm missing something important. I'm afraid to think what lameness could be a symptom of. Oh well...back to google I go.
Unfortunately I've got to go to work tomorrow, but in the evening I will sit and watch him to see if he pees.
If it was goat polio, he'd be dead by now without thiamine injections.
If he can't pee, it's urinary calculi. If you have time to stick around and watch him, that would be a great idea to be sure he is able to pee normally. UC will kill him, if that's it and he's not treated.
I wish I could help, Rachel, but I'm at a loss as to what could be wrong. Could he have injured his back somehow? Maybe some pain relief would help.
No to both. :( He appears comfortable though, just too weak to walk. I haven't seen him straining or anything.
I am at my wits' end. I can't get hold of the vet. I have spent hours searching the internet, and come up with nothing that matches. I hoped if it was polio like the breeder thought, he would be improved by now.
Were you able to get his temperature? Have you seen him pee?