Just for reference to help other newbies here are some photos of the two barns I built for my starting goat herd. We are starting out with 4 does and 2 bucks. The first barn is the doe barn and the second is the buck barn. I will be glad to answer any questions and take any comments in relation to these barns.
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Looks Great
Awesome! I love the brushy landscape, and I'm sure your goats do too!
You might want to think ahead as to how you could close up one end whenever you get some unseasonably cold weather for your area. You don't want to close up the whole thing -- just one end so that the wind can't whip through there.
I am in South Carolina, so no it does not get really cold here and the heat and humidity can definately be a factor for up to 6 months of the year.
As as for a milking area, well we don't have one as of yet. The does we are getting tomorrow to start our herd will be 6 months old. So we have a bit of time before we need a milking area. My plan though is to set up a separate shed, maybe one of those prebuilt ones or something I build from scratch but similar, that will be connected to our doe holding/night barn area but that we can also run water and power to.
What part of the country are you in? I'm guessing some place that doesn't get very cold in winter. The open floor plan is great for places that get really hot because you can have a breeze blowing through there.
Also, can you add a photo of your milking area, or explain where it is?