Mama Not Allowing Kids To Nurse


We've got a six year old doe who freshened for the fourth time this spring. She had triplets, and all was well. She's been a wonderful mother, who two years ago, also had triplets and nursed all three. After having the triplets this year (April 11), she was very attentive to them, and they began to nurse within 15-20 minutes. After keeping the mama and babies together for about 2-2.5 weeks, I let them in with the other goats (yearling doe, another mama and her twins) during the day, and put them back their pen at night. 


Yesterday, I noticed all three of her kids had small open wounds/scabs on their ears. I asked around, and got several opinions. I've spend quite a bit of time watching the goats over the past 24 hours. And other than allowing the babies to nurse for 8-10 seconds last night after I separated them from the rest of the herd, she has kicked them away every time they've tried to nurse. I then saw her, twice, nip at the kids' ears. It's pretty obvious now, that the ear wounds are not due to flies, etc., but rather due to mama goat. Today, I again watched, and every time one of her kids tried to nurse, she wouldn't allow them to. We thought possibly that her teat was blocked, but I was able to easily get milk out. Her udder is firm, but not hard, she has no fever. Her milk looks and smells fine. I did notice that one side of her belly was a bit harder than the other. Also, when I was trying to get milk out, I went ahead and milked her out. She didn't have much, so either she's drying up, or the kids are getting milk, just not when we're watching. Man, am I stumped. She's been an awesome mother up until now. Any ideas? Any hope of getting the kids back on the teat? 

(On a side note, I am treating goats' ears with Scarlex. They are solid and healthy and active, they are eating hay and nibbling on grain.)

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