Hey everyone. It's been awhile since I have posted anything. Anyway, our Nigerian Dwarf is due and her ligaments have completely disappeared. The problem is however, she is showing no signs of labor (she lost her ligaments twelve hours before now) Is this normal? Or is something wrong? She hasn't lost her plug yet (as far as I know.) Thanks for your help. This is my first time kidding.

 EDIT: Her udder is also rather large and I can feel milk in side when touching it.



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  • What day is she at in her pregnancy? If you're new to this, you could be completely missing her ligaments. It took us several years to get the ligament thing figured out. We had goats our first couple years that we swore lost their ligaments two weeks before they kidded, but after we really learned what we were feeling, we realized that doesn't happen. The area around the tail head can get squishy a couple weeks ahead of time, but the ligaments themselves do not go away until you're within hours of birth. Goats don't really have a plug to lose like humans. Sometimes you see mucous, sometimes you don't, but don't count on it.

    If there is a problem, you'll know. I know that sounds simplistic, but it's obvious when there is a problem. Goats are extremely good at giving birth.

  • Keep an eye on her of course....When my older doe kidded I could swear her ligaments were gone and I waited and waited...
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