
  • Most people castrate at about two months of age for that reason.

  • Thanks! I'm more asking about her kids who are bucklings. One is being weathered this next month but the other isn't. I wanted to let them nurse as long as possible but didn't want to put her in the position to get pregnant again so... the Bucklings are almost two months old right now and size wise don't seem capable. They also have t been seen attempting to mount any of the older girls but I was just curious. Thanks again!
  • There is no simple answer because it varies. I don't see my does in heat when they are nursing kids under 6 months, but it's also usually spring and summer then, and goats don't normally come into heat during that time anyway (unless you have year-round ovulators, which happens more with NDs than other breeds). 

    If you're asking if it's okay to let your buck run with your does, the answer is no. He'll make them stinky and drive them crazy, even if they're not in heat. And you won't know they're in heat until it's too late, and he's already bred them. You don't want to breed does to kid more often than once per year because it's too stressful on them.

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