So - I obsessed with this question for a long time.  I had 2 bucks, I castrated them surgically to be ABSOLUTELY sure there was no boy parts active under any circumstances. I asked a lot of sources when these boys would be "safe" to put in with girls in heat without threat of getting anyone pregnant.

I got answers of - immediately, after 1 ejaculation, 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months. 

After being irritated at the obvious lack of true wisdom amongst vets (hmmm - not a new thing) - I contacted two Vet Schools that have intense livestock programs.

Here is the scientific answer for those that might like to know:

 The total length of Spermatogensis (the process of sperm cell development) is 48 days. Thus - even if there was something left in a tube somewhere along the way - after 48 days - there is no chance the sperm would still be viable.  Thus - 6 weeks is safe - 8 weeks is way safe! They say!

Vet said that many wethers lose their libido enough to stop ejaculating (although still mount) which helps the issue. She said it was entirely dependent upon personality and experience how fast they stop ejaculating.

I can tell you that my buckling - at 8 weeks post surgical castration - mounted a doe in heat and ejaculated to some degree (visible sign). I guess in 21 days I'll see if I believe that 8 weeks is safe post surgical castration.


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  • Nice to meet someone who can get as obsessed as me about a question! Thanks for sharing this!

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