We are getting our goats as soon as the "barn" and fencing are complete. We have a 12x16 lean to attached to the 12x16 shed (where I will milk and store feed that they will not have access to) that we plan on enclosing for the goats pen. The other identical lean to will be enclosed for hay storage.
So will 12x16 be big enough for our 3 girls and the kids they will have? We are planning on putting a cattle panel halfway during kidding so we have a separate pen for that that can be removed. We have 3 does and 2 of them are preggers. We do not plan on keeping any this year so they will be sold in 2-3 months when they are weaned from mama. We also plan to let the dams raise them and just separate them in the evenings so we can milk in the mornings until they are weaned and then we will milk twice a day. That's the plan, at least. We will have about 1/2 acre of fenced pasture for them and we'll cut branches and things from the woods to bring to them. I'll post pics when I can find them.
I'm hoping that this will help keep our numbers from getting out of control....
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That sounds good to me. We originally had 3 does in a 10 X 15 stall at night, and outside during the day, and that worked well. It didn't get dirty too fast. You can also put kids in a dog crate to separate them overnight.
Here's a pic....the lean to on the right is the future goat shed.