Hill Country's Indiana 4*D

She had triplets as I had expected! One buckling and two doelings. Sadly the buckling only lived for about two hours after birth. She waited till I was at work! But thankfully David was here for her. Aurora nurses like a champ. Madison has had a rough day, but is getting stronger and stronger. She  can nurse but she has to be shown the teat every time and is still a bit wobbly so she may have to be a bottle baby for safety.


Pink Roses' Aurora

Pink Roses' Madison

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  • David said that he heard her starting to push and came out to see his head still in the bag. When he arrived she was standing but before he could cross the space to stop her she sat down against the wall and pushed the rest of him out  against the wall. He thinks the baby may have gotten hurt from that. He was delivered close to 10 am and I got here around 12. He was still alive then but very weak laying under the heat lamp. I tried to get some colostrum and  nutri-drench into him but he would not swallow, and it all came back out he would not suck at all. Short after that he died while I was trying to stimulate him with brisk rubbing.  Madison was not all that much better but she was able to suck. I milked out colostrum and poured it into her mouth because it was too thick to go through the nipple. She has needed a lot of selenium and calcium. Today she is able to stand and walk but she is still wobbly.
  • Congratulations on your first babies!!! So sorry about the buckling. Was it anything obvious or did he just have trouble waking up?
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