Hi all you ND lovers! My husband and I own a small farm in Northcentral Pa. I grew up as a horse nut (we have 3 horses) but knew I'd eventually have goats someday. Well, when a neighbor offered us a free goat (before he was even born), we couldn't say no. So then I searched for a buddy for him (Rueben), and had to have a female to eventually breed, though not to him as we had him wethered. We just weren't interested in having that much testosterone on our property! Anyway, we found a ND doeling (Kelly) that was born just one week before him, and we brought them home on the same day when they were weaned. Well, we took her to be bred at 10 months old, and after freezing to death while they did their thing, and only seeing one good attempt, I couldn't believe she could actually be pregnant. Well, Kelly just had 2 doelings one week ago so now we have 4 goats! She is a super mom and I can't get over how cute these babies are! We have finally named them, just today, or I should say my husband did - Sprite and Junebug. He also brought to my attention the fact that they were born one year exactly from the day we brought the other two home - June 2! They are mostly black with splashes of white and frosted ears, like their mom, but they have ice blue eyes like their dad. He was tri-colored but they didn't get any of the brown. I will try to post pics. Anyway, I just found out about this forum and am very excited about it!June 08, 2010 029.jpg
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