I recently joined your group in hopes of meeting other goat owners in my area and also to maybe learn from your experiences. I currently have three Nigerians - a doe that is about 19 months old and her son who is now just over 5 months old and another doeling that is about 7 months old. I have had the goats just since July 2010. I am milking the Mom and hoping to breed her soon with a handsome buck from the area. I am not sure if I will breed the younger one this year until I see how much bigger she gets by end of December. I live in Denmark Maine and am interested to know if anyone out there is close by that might offer a stud service for my beautiful girl (s). The person that I bought the goats from was from a lovely little farm in southern NH and it is just a long drive to get them back there to breed. I hope to make some new friends out here and to learn more to make my goats happier. Thanks!
Hi Cassandra -- do you have anyone around you that has a nice buck willing to meet some young pretty girls? I am having a hard time finding anyone close by with Nigerian's that wants to get them together. My girls are beautiful and clean and all that?
How far are you from Denmark? How many does do you have -- and are you milking them? The person I got mine from did not milk so I haven't learned much except by trial and error over the last couple of months and it gets a little frustrating.
Hi Kelly,
I am a fellow Mainer and have a sweet and handsome buck. However...Maine is such a large state that I am quite far from you. I live two hours northeast of Bangor. I have a nice little herd...5 does and a buck and in the last two days my buck has done the job with three of my girls. Can't wait until March!
Thanks -- there is always so much info out there that I get lost in it and spend hours reading about goats (when I should be doing chores or something more productive). I did check the ADGA and got a couple of names that I have on my list to contact. I can always bring them back to the person I got them from - it is just a six hour round trip and I would love to do it closer to home.
Welcome to the group! I'm in Illinois, so can't help with the breeding. Have you checked membership lists of AGS and ADGA? I'm sure there are ND breeders that are not too far away. Someone just posted a few days ago, asking about starting a cheese operation in Maine.
How far are you from Denmark? How many does do you have -- and are you milking them? The person I got mine from did not milk so I haven't learned much except by trial and error over the last couple of months and it gets a little frustrating.
Nice to meet you!
I am in Maine ... southern maine ... and also have only female Nigi's. Just wanted to say Welcome. I am new here too!
I am a fellow Mainer and have a sweet and handsome buck. However...Maine is such a large state that I am quite far from you. I live two hours northeast of Bangor. I have a nice little herd...5 does and a buck and in the last two days my buck has done the job with three of my girls. Can't wait until March!