Hi all, we are excited to be a part if the group. We're a small farm in western NY. We have 13 Nigerians (1 of which is the sweetest buck ever, 2 of which are brand new baby girls-who need a home!!). Also have three Toggs, a llama, an alpaca, and four honeybee hives, and laying chickens.
We are just getting started into milking, but hope to get to the point of making cheese.
Looking forward to many discussions!
Ed and Elizabeth
Views: 76
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Welcome, I live in Ohio so not too far away. The bee hives sound so fun, my husband has always wanted to have bees.
I have made goats milk cheese in the past and look forward to it again from the milk of my Nigerian. I only have one doe in milk so far. Also one buckling 6 months old and a new buckling 11 days old. It would be fun to have a llama and alpaca, are they guard animals for your farm? Look forward to hearing from you. Susan
I thought I had replied, but I don't see it on the board, so I must have goofed up!
Yeah, bees are fun. They can also drive you nuts! They most definitely have minds of there own!
The Llama is our guard animal and he is very good at it. Unfortnately, he can be a bit standoffish though!
Susan Landoll said:
Welcome, I live in Ohio so not too far away. The bee hives sound so fun, my husband has always wanted to have bees. I have made goats milk cheese in the past and look forward to it again from the milk of my Nigerian. I only have one doe in milk so far. Also one buckling 6 months old and a new buckling 11 days old. It would be fun to have a llama and alpaca, are they guard animals for your farm? Look forward to hearing from you. Susan
I have two 2 week old girls right now, there are a few people interested in them, I may have some more babies later this month. I have a girl bred, and I am about 90% certain that she took (or else she has been hitting the feed bucket way too much lately :-) Perhaps we should talk?
We also have a Llama...he was a rescue, and does a nice job as a guard for the flock, but he can be a little standoffish!!
Karen said:
Nice to meet you. We are from Central NY..45 min. south of Syracuse. I don't have goats yet, but have been looking heavily into buying some ND kids. Right now we raise miniature horses & Llamas
Nice to meet you. We are from Central NY..45 min. south of Syracuse. I don't have goats yet, but have been looking heavily into buying some ND kids. Right now we raise miniature horses & Llamas
How exciting! Once you start making cheese, you'll be hooked. Not to sound snobby, but Nigerians do make the best cheese. I've had plenty of people say that my chevre and parmesan are much better than store-bought.
Edward M. Reiller said:
I have made goats milk cheese in the past and look forward to it again from the milk of my Nigerian. I only have one doe in milk so far. Also one buckling 6 months old and a new buckling 11 days old. It would be fun to have a llama and alpaca, are they guard animals for your farm? Look forward to hearing from you. Susan
I thought I had replied, but I don't see it on the board, so I must have goofed up!
Yeah, bees are fun. They can also drive you nuts! They most definitely have minds of there own!
The Llama is our guard animal and he is very good at it. Unfortnately, he can be a bit standoffish though!
Susan Landoll said:
I recently sent you an email with pics of the babies, did you get it?
Karen said:
I have two 2 week old girls right now, there are a few people interested in them, I may have some more babies later this month. I have a girl bred, and I am about 90% certain that she took (or else she has been hitting the feed bucket way too much lately :-) Perhaps we should talk?
We also have a Llama...he was a rescue, and does a nice job as a guard for the flock, but he can be a little standoffish!!
Karen said: