Posted by Jess on October 17, 2012 at 6:43pm in Breeding
So we have our first buck here visiting our 2 does for a bit and I have a couple questions. (for reference purposes Bunny is our older doe and Sally is our yearling.) the first day he arrived Bunny was very interested in him and stood for him several times. The next day he wasn't interested in her at all, she didn't recycle 5 days latter. So do you think she was in heat and they accomplished the "deed" or could she have just been excitted to see him?
My other question is about Sally. She wants nothing to do with him. I thought she was in heat yesterday because he was chasing her around the pen and she was flagging but she wouldn't stand for him. Upon a closer inspection I'm not sure she isn't flagging because she is (for a lack of a better term) gooey under her tail. Could she have been in heat and refuse to stand for him? Or is it more likely that he is just over excitted to be with a new girlfriend and won't leave her alone?
I'm sending this from my iPhone so I hope it has made since for you and no spell check sorry. My breader has been great and will let him stay as long as I need him, but I have never smelled an animal as potent as he is :) I'm afraid the neighbors are going to start complaining soon. Just want babies in the spring. Who knew this could be so complicated. :)
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Does do not stand for a buck repeatedly unless they are in heat. A buck might be able to surprise a doe once, but after that, she will be running away and butting heads and doing whatever she can to let him know that she is NOT interested! As for Sally, it only takes a few seconds, so unless you were with them and watching every minute, you probably missed the breeding.
Yep ... if you and your neighbors can stand the eau de buck that long. :)
Jess said:
Does do not stand for a buck repeatedly unless they are in heat. A buck might be able to surprise a doe once, but after that, she will be running away and butting heads and doing whatever she can to let him know that she is NOT interested! As for Sally, it only takes a few seconds, so unless you were with them and watching every minute, you probably missed the breeding.