My name is Becky and I have 6 children, 4 grandchildren, 2 wether kids, 2 dogs, 2 guinea pigs, 3 hens and 1 rooster. That is every one for today, you never know around here. We have about an acre and a half. I love my goats. I have had goat off and on threw the years and always come back.
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Welcome. You sound a bit like me...minus the people kids and grandkids. I started with 8 hens and a Rooster, but we have had a tough summer and now we are down to 3 and the roo. I just got my first two goats last week and I have 4 dogs and a cat. I thought my dogs would be mean to my goats, but they are so afraid they avoid them as much as possible. Sometimes the young one tries to play, but she doesn't understand goats don't play like dogs. We have had our first house nearly a year and we have the same amount of land. I never thought that I would like living in a small town, but I love it!
Jan said:
I,too, have 6 children...but I have 12 grandchildren. I have had goats on and off as well and keep coming back.
Jan from Maine