Grain Feeding to Pregnant Does

Ok so I had another question about when to start feeding grain (with many varied answers) but now I want to know, by the time your doe is expected to give birth, how much grain should you be feeding her by then? In ounces would be nice if you've ever weighed it.

Annnnd for how long after she has her kids should you give her grain? And should you increase it more or decrease it or keep it steady?  For how long?

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  • The standard answer is one pound of concentrates (grain) for every three pounds of milk being produced. So, as her supply goes up, you increase, and as her supply goes down, you decrease it. If I haven't milked a doe yet, I assume she's producing about 1 1/2 pounds for each kid she's nursing for the first couple months. They peak around 6 weeks, and then their supply gradually goes down after that.

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