Goats and Baths


I am going to ask a really dumb question.  Should goats be given a bath when it gets warmer? Would this help with parasites? I notice all my goats--two does and two kiddings are itching around.  I did deworm them with pellets two weeks ago.




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  • The pelleted dewormer doesn't kill lice. You'd have to use ivermectin pour-on for cattle, which doesn't really work for internal parasites in goats. I've tried bathing goats to get rid of lice, and it doesn't work very well. Clipping goats, however, does get rid of lice, because they have no place to live (no hair). But as Jane said, you have to look REALLY closely to see if they have lice. They are tiny! And you need to look in several places, because sometimes they can congregate in one area, and you won't see them all over the goat.
  • Itching could just be a sign of them shedding out their winter coat. But you really have to look closer to make sure it isn't blood sucking lice. Goats generally HATE water, so I wouldn't recommend bathing them unless you have the means to get them dried very quickly.
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