Hi! My family moved to our first country home 7 years ago. We have 4 children. Our oldest daughter has 3 wonderful human babies, my other 3 children are all in College. My main activity the past 10 years has been Training, teaching and competing in Dog Agility.
We started with chicken and ducks 5 years ago,added a couple of pet rabits 2 years ago and our first goats last year. The first goats are 2 Nubian boys who I intend to teach to pull a cart--have been playing with leash training this past month. I really enjoy the goats and would like to try milking and cheese making and decided that a smaller doe will be preferable. I have a deposit on a Nigerian doe due this spring ....hope to bring her home in April or May. I have spent many hours this past year reading about these wonderful animals and can hardly wait to have my own. Ruth Goode