
  • Goats are not a natural host for fleas. If there was one on a goat, it probably jumped off soon after being seen.

  • Hi Hannah,


    I use DE (diatomaceous earth) for flea control.  Our last load of straw was really infested.  Fleas love straw.  After I clean the stall I sprinkle DE on the dirt floor rather generously.  Then I put down fresh straw and sprinkle DE on the fresh straw.  If they are really bad rub the DE into the goats really good.  I have had excellent results with this, and DE is not expensive, and it will not hurt the goats.  You do have to keep reapplying it each time you put fresh straw down if the fleas are in your straw.  That is where ours always come from.  We used to bale our own straw, and I don't know how a farmer can help it if the fleas are there.  Actually, my husband and I have started taking food grade DE ourselves and believe it is beneficial to our health.  I also use it on the goats for a dewormer, and I think it helps, but will know more as I am taking fecal samples in soon.

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