Funky stuff on my goat's udder

My 1/2 nigerian 1/2 saanen doe in milk has some funkyness on her udder. It looks like chicken pox - pustules that progress to scabs, then disappear, but there's a residual thickness for some time after. Up until tonight, it's not affecting her production (6-7lbs./day), but tonight, her udder was not full, and she was reluctant to get on the stand. She seems uncomfortable, and would only eat hay, not her grain on the stand morning and night today. It has been hot here, high 80's, low 90's, with it going back to 60's this weekend. I have had this goat for 3 weeks, and we're still getting to know each other. Her previous owner had told me that she'd had a little bit of this earlier in her lactation (she freshened on 3/18 with triplets), but that they used betadine on it, at their vet's direction, and it cleared up. I used some coconut oil with tea tree oil in it which seemed to help dry things up, but more popped out in other places. I washed her udder with betadine scrub this am, and clipped it and put regular betadine on it tonight after milking. Help me, Obi Wan...

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  • Scratch that about it being OTC. I should have clicked on more than one link. It is a prescription drug. If your local vet doesn't have it though, it's available through online pharmacies. They usually need a prescription from your vet though.

  • Silver sulfadiazine kills bacteria and yeast. I've used it on my goats with great results. The skin usually looks better within 48 hours. I got it from the vet, but just now searched online, and it appears to be available OTC at drug stores. I did not use it on the udder though and don't know if there would be any milk withdrawal necessary.

  • It's actually been going on for about 5 days. Even with betadine applications, there are still pustules erupting. Her temp this morning was 102.5... She's somewhat off her feed (particularly on the stand), and reluctant to let me milk her. I managed to get her to stop flailing around by sitting on the stand so she couldn't move away from me, but she just stands there, looking at me, or staring off into space. This is not a happy goat... This morning I washed her udder with warm water, which she initally flinched from but decided that felt good. Picture attached.


  • It's a skin infection. Iodine would be my first line of defense. If it doesn't start clearing up in a few days, there might be other things you could try.
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