I'm looking for a buckling or buck to replace the one I lost this last winter. I got my goats from Colorado this January but I'd really like to get my buckling from closer to home this time. I love the goats I got but 6 hrs is a long way to drive. I found a farm less than an hour away who has nice Nigerians I think but when I asked about getting a buckling from them they said they didn't want to mess with selling a bucks. So I'm looking again. I don't mind driving an hour or two but am not enthused about a 6 hour trip like last time. I have a home dairy and want a registered buck that has the potential to produce good milkers.
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Thanks Randi! I talked to the lady from Always Be Ready and she didn't have anything available but she thought a friend of hers might. We'll see! I'm really sad that the herd closest to me isn't interested in selling registered bucklings. I'd really hoped to be able to get some goats from them sometime. Oh, well so it goes! :}
I met a lady at TSC (in Augusta KS) a few weeks back who has registered Nigerians. Not sure where you are, but they're at "Always Be Ready Farms" on FB if you want to check them out. I also know of a lady in Rose Hill KS with a herd of registered Nigerians, her website is prairiecreekkids.com. Good luck! :)
I met a lady at TSC (in Augusta KS) a few weeks back who has registered Nigerians. Not sure where you are, but they're at "Always Be Ready Farms" on FB if you want to check them out. I also know of a lady in Rose Hill KS with a herd of registered Nigerians, her website is prairiecreekkids.com. Good luck! :)