Hi, I'm from Central Louisiana and just started raising the Nigerian Dwarf Goats with my 9 year old daughter for 4h. We got our first doe and wether in May 09. We have grown very fond of the little rascals and are planning on increasing are size. I'm very proud of my daughter, we have been to three shows and she has won 1st place twice and 2nd place in showmanship. We don't have a lot of aob's in this area, some pygmies but mainly boer. Hopefully we can change that!!!
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I plan on breeding her in Oct for her to kid in Mar. I was told this will be better for her and kid.
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
Welcome! Your daughter is adorable, and that doe is very feminine. My daughters used to love showing, but now that they're in college, I don't do it any longer. Will your doe be freshening this spring?
Welcome! Your daughter is adorable, and that doe is very feminine. My daughters used to love showing, but now that they're in college, I don't do it any longer. Will your doe be freshening this spring?
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said: