Foaming mouth

I have a four month old wether that is frothing at the mouth tonight.  Other sources have said this might be frothy bloat.  Is this possible even if I have baking soda for him? He seems playful and alert, not grinding his teeth or showing any other signs of pain.  How do I treat this?

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  • If he's getting alfalfa, I'd cut back on that and replace it with grass or grass hay, if possible. And some sunflower seeds would probably help also.

  • Is there a zinc supplement or should I just give a handful of BOSS a day?
    Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:

    If he seems otherwise healthy, it could be a zinc deficiency, which can be caused by a diet too high in alfalfa, which is high in calcium, which binds with zinc.

  • If he seems otherwise healthy, it could be a zinc deficiency, which can be caused by a diet too high in alfalfa, which is high in calcium, which binds with zinc.

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