Finally, a ND owner! :)

Hello All,

It's been a bit since I  got a chance to come chat. Things have been so busy.
I purchased a 1 yr old doeling yesterday and was given a wether. The wether took to our place just fine as he immediately ran for some brush and started munching away. lol The doeling took a bit longer but was fine by nightfall and this morning they both seem pretty comfortable. Once they are acclimated in, I'll be looking for another doeling and a buckling. Yay!

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  • I started with a budget this year to limit myself to just 2 does, a buck, and a wether. Hubby isn't too hopeful. lol

  • Welcome to the world of goats!!  I am new to this myself.  This is my second full year.  I started off with a buckling and wether and now I have a small herd of thirteen!  They are addicting!

  • Thanks!

  • Congratulations on your first goats! :)

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