Fencing system ideas

Hello i am new here. I am trying to come up with a fence system for my goats when i get them. If there is a better category to post this under please let me know.  What I want to do is use feedlot panels attached to t posts so that i can move around to different areas for grazing.  I want to have an electrified wire strung above the feedlot panel for predator protection and one lower down inside the fence to keep the goats from escaping.  I have read about the movable electrified net fencing but apparently it will short out in contact with vegetation and one of the reasons i am getting goats is for ground clearing.  I am also concerned about being able to sink a grounding rod far enough down and then how difficult it would be to have to move that around. My land is very rocky.  I am looking for input as I have not setup an electric fence before.  I am not in a predator heavy area but do have them (coyotes, bears ) on occasion.  Thank you in advance for any suggestions!


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  • We just use a push mower to mow wherever we're going to put the netting. But there is usually very little grass in areas with heavy brush because grass needs sun. Level isn't that big of a deal. You might need some extra posts.

  • I was under the impression that the area under the electric netting had to be pretty short and level. I appreciate your response, it was very helpful. :-)

  • If you are using cattle panels or combination livestock panels, you don't need to add electric unless you have a problem with something like cougars or bears. Here is a post on using panels for movable pens. It works well if you have 4 or less goats.


    If you truly need to add electric, then you will have to have a ground rod, regardless of whether you are adding electric to livestock panels or using ElectroNet. You would actually have a lot more freedom with ElectroNet rather than livestock panels. The netting is longer, and it's flexible, so you could put it around larger areas and arrange it in odd shapes. You only need to clear a path to set up the netting. I don't really understand why you're worried about it grounding out. If you could put livestock panels in there, which means you can walk through the area, you should be able to set up the netting.

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