About 18 mo. I adopted two beautiful does from an older couple. The girls belongs to the son who is off to college.
Well she was loosing her hair quite a bit and had the vet do lots of testing............told them it was either hormones or stress or allergies.......
So when these girls came to me I knew she had some sort of problem and since she has been with the other goat with no problem no one considered anything to be contagious.
Well this precious girl kept looseing her hair. My vet did every thing to help[ her as well as me on line checking other remedies.
It got so bad in the last couple of weeks I suggested we do a skin biopsy that was discussed as the last test to do. The lab came back with this scary sounding problem and they DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT IT! Never been document in the US much less anywhere else.
I would need three pages to list all the tests..................
She was living on hay and water , apples, when I got her. Also had been treated with steriods........
Seeing her skin so dry I tried about every suggestion and last of all TMG for horses. Her skin got to be like alligator skin. Now it is soft and plyable.
As for feed, plenty of water, good hay, ........only! For the next two weeks.
She had been fed, 1 cup Blueseal Caprine challenger, 1/2 c black oil seed, Tb of Diamond V minerals, free choise reg. minerals, ABC$D. Omega 3, added to her food. She did well and lots of hair grew back and then...............phoof it was gone. I keep a t shirt on her while n the sun, and a down jacket at night below 45.
She acts happy, no scratching, eats, poops , blood work was ok except for a nutritional profile this next week.
Will keep you up to date...............
Hi Donna,
This may seem like a silly question as it seems you have done a lot to try and treat this, but have you tried to bathe her.
One of my four goats had extremely dry skin and slight hair lose and after reading online I decided to give her a bath using a dog shampoo by Sergeant with oatmeal,milk and honey. It has made a huge difference. It sounds like the skin issue you are having is a lot worse than what I had going on, but thought it wouldnt hurt to mention it.
Good luck! I hope you get it figured out soon.
Kim Steele