Drying beets

The opportunity has come my way to purchase a case of organically grown beets.  While I like beets, that many is not in the "should do" portion of my mind.  However, can we dehydrate beets to feed to our girls later?  My logic says that would work great; however, good ideas are not always.

Then I guess the next logical question is, if it is a good idea, sliced or shredded?

Thoughts, please.

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  • Gray?  That seems odd given how red beets are.  Everything I have dried before stays pretty close to its original color. However, I've never added anything, just the fruit of veggie straight.  Even bananas have stayed close without dipping in orange juice.  I think I'll be getting the beets the first part of the week so may have some done mid-week.  They don't have to be taken care of right away like the pears, peaches, tomatoes, etc., so I might wait a bit longer.

    If these stay red or maroon colored, it will cause more wondering about gray.

    After thinking about this, I'm going to dry some cabbage as well and maybe carrots.  These are all organic, no spray, so worth the bother.

  • I can't think of any reason to peel them for the goats. I'd also love to see pictures. The stuff they sell in bags at the feed store is gray, which never made sense to me.

  • It seems logical to my new-to-this mind that running it through the food processor on the shred blade should do it.  I don't know that I will peel them before - what do you think?  I might do some chips made from quarter pieces that could be for goats or people.
    Would there be any reason to peel them before shredding them for drying for the goats?

  • If you buy beet pulp in the store, it's shredded. But I have no idea how you would do this yourself. Shred it and put it in a food dehydrator? If you do it, let us know how it works!

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