Drying a Doe off early?

Spot, our doe, was ill recently, and since then has been getting serious about weaning her 2 1/2 mo. old kids.  This is unlike her--she is a doting mama and will let kids nurse into infinity.  She has also been a serious stinker on the milk stand--we just started milking her this week.  Her milk production is lower than last year, as well

She is skin and bones, and I'm considering drying her off early so she can put on some weight.  Is this going to adversely affect her milk production in the future, or pose any other problems?  It's not great for us, since we've had very little milk for a lot of time and money and effort....but we'd prefer her to be healthy.

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  • You have to weigh the pros and cons and do whatever appears to be in the best interest of the goat. If she is really not well, you may not have a choice in the matter. She could just dry up.

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