Does anyone know about or use Dolomite mineral compound offered by Hoegger Goat Supply? I find it interesting that it is suggested for treating, preventing and curing mastitis.
I've read that usually true dolomite mineral is closer to a ratio of being about half and half of each Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate (actually the Calcium is just a bit higher than the Mag) The ratio also varies in nature. The higher the Calcium in dolomite mineral though the closer it is to being lime and/or limestone.
My other concern is adding further calcium to the diet on a daily basis as they suggest, especially if the mama's in milk are getting an alfalfa mixed hay. By adding this mineral daily and eating alfalfa mixed hay could this lead to a zinc deficiency in the mothers?
This is Hoeggers item description:
Dolomite is a mineral rock composed of 2/3 calcium and 1/3 magnesium carbonates. It is a strong alkaline that can help overcome acidity. For diarrhea (scours) in an adult goat, 1 tsp. of Dolomite, 1/4 tsp. of copper sulfate, and 1 tsp. of Vitamin C powder is recommended. This recipe is also suggested for treating many problems including the prevention, control, and cure of mastitis. Dolomite can be safely added to the daily ration.
I would love to hear if anyone else has any experience with this. I JUST got a bag in the mail yesterday! I have a doe that has a high SCC, and it looks like she has a case of subclinical mastitis based on the ph test strips, so since she doesn't have any outward signs of mastitis, I figured I had time to play around a little.
Someone else told me they gave this to their goat for clumpy poops, and it got them back to berries, so next time I get clumpy poop, I'll see what happens.
Good point about the zinc! I'd say that it should not be used long term for sure!