Doe with rectal prolapse

Hello, I am Joanna and I have 4 NDG’s. I am new to goats and have only had them since September ‘17. I need advise about a doe with a rectal prolapse. The doe was pregnant and developed the prolapse about a week before freshening. I took her to the Vet because I was unsure about the prolapse. Vet said it was due to pressure from the kids and to wait until after kidding.  The doe kidded on 02/21/18 and all went well, 2 kids male and female. The prolapse did not reduce, I gave her a 3 day course of dexamethasone 4cc/3cc/2cc, per the Vet.

Yesterday, 03/05/18 we took her back to the Vet who put in a “purse string” suture around the rectum. It seemed to go fine and we started another round of dex. This morning when I checked her she was agitated and I could see the rectum was distended and clogged with poo. I tried some warm water and manipulation but could not clear it. I called and the Vet said it may have inverted behind the sutures and I needed to straighten it back out with a finger or syringe tube. I was by myself and without my husband or another person to hold her I didn’t manage much of anything and could not get through the impaction.

By the time we got back out there she had blown through the sutures and exited a very large impacted wad of poo. She was feeling much better then and eating like crazy. Prolapse is back out but less swollen than before. It is bright pink and moist and does go in on its own. Any pressure on the diaphragm sends it right back out.

I am trying to figure out what to do next.  The Vet in my area is nice but I don’t think she knows much about NDG’s.  I appreciate any ideas you all may have.

Photo 2 is of the prolapse and a bit more graphic, figured I’d start with cute kids.



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  • Going along with the hemorrhoid theme (Preparation H), aloe vera actually works much better in humans in reduce swelling than PH. You can use aloe vera gel that is purchased form a reputable source (NOT Wal-Mart, as many of their supplements and health care products have been shown to be fraudulent, and one vet specifically says not to buy aloe vera from them) or a peeled piece of aloe vera (although I might worry about her trying to push that out). 

    Let us know how it goes. I agree it's rare, as this is the first time I've heard of it. Hopefully you'll never have to deal with it again. Good luck!

  • Hoping for the best for you and your doe! Thank you for sharing your updates!

  • Well I have spoken with two Vets who are very familiar with goats.  One local and one affiliated with Cornell.  They both agreed that what my Vet tried was the same course they would have taken.  Based on their suggestions we are currently feeding her a modified diet to try to soften her stool just a bit.  Increased fiber with alfalfa pellets and we are adding molasses to feed and water, she has plain water as well.  We are also still trying to reduce any swelling with shots of Dex and Preparation H.  I clean the area regularly with a betadine /water solution. The idea is that if she does not have to strain to pass the feces then we may have better luck with the next purse string.  The Vet wanted to give the new diet a few days before we go back for a second attempt at the sutures.  Based on their explanations, there is really no other procedure to correct the prolapse.  If the tissue were damaged or dead it would need to be removed or surgically repaired but that is not the case here, at least not at this time.  It seems that rectal prolapse is not very common and may have been exasperated by a mild cough toward the end of her pregnancy.   Hopefully round two will be a success!

  • I agree with Rachel, and knowing that it's Cornell, I'd agree even more. It's always ranked #1 or #2 in the country. They have some very knowledgeable goat vets there.

  • Thank you for the suggestion.  I think Cornell is the closest so I will check into that! Thanks

  • I'm sorry, that has to be a frustrating situation. Are there any vet colleges nearby? I would try to find a good vet school, especially if you can find one with a small ruminant specialist, and take her in. In the mean time, reducing the inflammation of the tissue would be where I would start. I haven't had a prolapse myself yet thankfully, but Preparation H or sugar applied topically are often recommended to reduce the swelling. 

    The tissue looks pretty healthy from the picture from what I can tell, so that's good. Let us know how it goes!

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