
the breeder i bought my nd from said to be careful if you allow goats in same area deer deficate and goats eat.  that they could die from it. something about the deer deficate and then the goats eat and end up sick. ever heard of it? if so please let me know. i let mine out in pasture and forgot that deer go there ???? wasn't thinking..

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  • Meningeal worm and some types of lung worm use deer as an intermediate host. It really is not that big of a deal for goats -- and if you don't also have snails, it's not a problem. Those particular worms need BOTH deer and snails to complete their life cycle. Because they are a species specific worm, they are usually digested in the stomach of other animals, and in most cases, they are digested by goats. Llamas and alpacas have a lot of trouble with them. We've lost five llamas to m-worm, but only had three goats get it. Here is a post on m-worm:


    You really DO need to let your goats out on pasture. They need fresh air and sunshine. Pneumonia is the second leading cause of death in goats. Most people with goats will never have a case of m-worm on their farm.

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