My buckling was disbudded at 11 days and also did the figure 8 for the scurs. The burns went well as each of the "4" burns had the copper ring. It appears that the front part is flat, the back part has nubs. My question is should I leave it and he will have nubs, which would be ok, or do I need to reburn? caps have fallen off..
ok I didn't know if, since now they are small and "no pointy tip" whether they would stay small?
There isn't a difference between scurs and horns in terms of where they are located. Scurs are just tiny bits of horn that grow because part of the bud was not killed. It's hard to see a scur at this age with a picture. It's something you could feel though. If they're small, I don't see the point in reburning.
I did burn the center, if I remember. No he will be my 3rd buck sire It wouldnt be the end of the world if I did reburn? If I would I would do it now as he is only 5 weeks the scurs are the ones in front right? the buds are the horns?
When you disbud, do you turn the iron sideways and burn the middle of the area? Pictures don't always reflect reality, but it doesn't really look like it. It looks like the center of the horn bud is still there.
We've only tried reburning once, and that was because a buyer was freaking out. Small scurs are not the end of the world, and even experienced goat breeders have them in bucks. Since you're new, I would suggest leaving him and seeing what happens. If he will be wethered, the scurs will be smaller than if he's remaining a buck. Most wethers don't have scurs, but it can happen.