Dark Back Teeth?

I was feeding my doe, Spot, some brazil nuts this morning, and she dropped two of them while trying to chew.  She's being syringe-fed "grain porridge" and there seems to be a lot more grinding noise than I would expect for soft food, so I looked (with no small difficulty) at her back teeth.  They are a deep reddish color.  Is this how they're supposed to look?  Could she have a dental problem that is putting her off her feed?  Her temperature is normal.

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  • I'll keep an eye on it, but based on the way she's been chomping her banana peels (we're all eating bananas so she can have the peels!) her teeth must not be hurting too badly after all.

  • Since goats don't brush their teeth, they aren't very pearly white, but usually they're fine. Typical signs of dental problems is weight loss, refusal to eat, or dropping food when eating. She could have a tooth that would need to be pulled.

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