Chick Raising Question

We have these two Rhode Island Red bantem hens who decided they wanted to hatch some eggs. We didn't realyl think anything was going to happen, but we let them stay out in the nest they made. Well, we went out to the barn tonight to find one egg broken open and a little yellow chick cheeping!! It was under the two hens, so we're not sure who the mother is.


So the question is this: is there anything we need to do? Should we make sure it eats? Will the mothers teach it that? What do we do? Do they need a heat lamp? Should we put them in the house or let them keep the nest they made?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



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  • The girls should make sure the babies eat, and keep them warm. but if it is really cold you might consider putting out a heat lamp for everybody.
  • Thanks Deborah! Because of cats, we moved the hens into a private section of the house, where they can stay warm and protected without the risk of fighting from other chickens!

    It seems that was the only egg that will hatch. There were only two eggs and we think the second one doesn't have a chick in it. We'll see though!
  • It will be fine. The mama will take care of it. It's cute when two hens take responsibility for chicks. I've seen that happen before with poultry. Chickens (unlike turkeys and guineas) are very good at raising their babies. Turkeys and guineas usually lose most of their babies. If you're worried, you could put them all in a pen with food and water, but that's the most you need to do. The babies will snuggle up under mama to stay warm. Hopefully they won't have more than four or five hatch, because as it gets colder and the chicks grow bigger, mama won't have enough room under her body to keep them warm. If that happens, you might need a heat lamp a month down the road.
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