Cheese problem

We used Ricki Carroll's book, Home Cheese Making, to make ricotta from whole goats milk using a 1/4 cup vinegar and it did not make much cheese.  It is supposed to make 2 pounds from a gallon. What did we do wrong?  We heated the milk to 195 and then later to 205.  We added more vinegar also.


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  • When I make cheese with vinegar I only heat it to 184 degrees F then add 1/4 cup of vinegar and strain it through some good quality cheese cloth.... Usually with cheese there is a 1:1 ratio, gallons of milk to pounds of cheese- so when I use 1 gallon of milk I get ~ 1 pound of cheese...  I don't get a consistency like ricotta though it's more like butter, but that depends on how long you let it drain and whether  you press it some to extract more whey...  My family really likes it when I add parsley or dill for flavoring too:)

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